Abu Dhabi Gallup Center
The Abu Dhabi Gallup Center (ADGC) is an independent knowledge institution standing at the forefront of societal issues. Its mission is to inform and shape conversations around social challenges with the wisdom of the people. Building on Gallup’s ground-breaking research on Muslim-West relations, the ADGC delves into the unique issues that residents of Muslim societies face every day.
The Center relies on empirical research to ground debates in an objective framework. Its innovative and scientific approach provides opinion leaders and policy makers with road maps to impact issues that affect people’s lives.
The Abu Dhabi Gallup Center will be headed by Dalia Mogahed, currently chair of the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies. Mogahed recently finished a term on the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships, where she served as an advisor to President Obama on Muslim affairs and other topics.
A number of American researchers and analysts will be working alongside Mogahed in Abu Dhabi this fall, with approximately 10 initially headed overseas. In addition, Gallup has been hiring locally. The Gallup Center Abu Dhabi will be working under the supervision of the more well-established Gallup Center for Muslim Studies.
First on the agenda for the Abu Dhabi Gallup Center is a follow-up report to “Who Speaks for Islam?” The massive 2008 project is described by Gallup as the result of “tens of thousands of interviews with residents of more than 35 nations that are predominantly Muslim or have significant Muslim populations.” Co-written by Mogahed and Georgetown University’s John Esposito, the updated edition will reflect data compiled by Gallup from 2007-10. The report is slated for a late November release.
Website: http://www.abudhabigallupcenter.com/home.aspx
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